What are Functional Language Skills?
Functional language is the language that we use in real life to perform a function, such as agreeing with someone or apologising, saying thank you, etc. Every language has a functional aspect. People who can use functional language well are better able to use any language in education, work, and communication.
Learning the functional use of a language also makes it easier to learn a new language. It is also a more fun way as compared to traditional methods.
This approach to learning English focuses less on theoretical knowledge of the language and more on the practical usage of English in different real-life situation.
Why use Functional Language?
The use of functional language helps one communicate using the target language in a more clear and more concise manner. Clear and effective communication is one of the most highly valued skills by employers. People with good communication skills can be better at:
• customer handling (38%)
• oral communication (35%)
• team working (34%)
• problem-solving (34%).
Source: National Employers Skills Survey 2005: Key findings (LSC, 2006)
Why teach Functional Language?
According to Dr. Sandhya Tiwari, Professor of English, there are many advantages to teaching English by focusing on Functional English. In her research paper she mentions, and I quote...
Helping learners to become functional with English means helping them to:
choose appropriate communication methods
ensure their communication methods are fit for purpose
communicate in ways that meet the needs of the audience and situation
apply English skills in a range of meaningful contexts
become increasingly independent in their learning.
Apart from that, functional language is very beneficial for lower-level students as they can learn some phrases that can help them get started in different real-life situations.
Download the Functional Language Handout
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This handout can be used for debate-based activities or role plays in English Language Learning.